Monday, December 12, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011


This drink is good any time of the year.  A nice change from the sherbet punch served at many gatherings.  This is great because you can make it days ahead to save time the day of your event.

11 Cups water
3 Cups Sugar
3/4 Cup Frozen limeade concentrate, un-thawed
2 liters lemon lime soda, chilled
lime slices

In a 4 quart freezer container, combine water, sugar, and limeade concentrate until sugar is dissolved.  Cover and freeze.

Remove from the freezer several hours before serving.  Chop mixture until slushy.

Add soda just before serving.
Garnish with lime slices.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Cookie Decorating Party

A fun tradition is to have a cookie decorating party.  This is fun for both children and adults.  Let me provide your undecorated cut-out sugar cookies for $4.00 per dozen and you get the fun of decorating.  Make sure you get enough to send plenty home with your guests!!